I was surprised not to find a recipe on Allrecipes for a Philly-style Chicken Cheese Steak so I decided to create and publish one. Depending on who you...
A tangy soy and apricot preserve mixture does double duty in this baby back rib recipe, serving as both a marinade and a tasty basting sauce during the...
The stewed tomatoes and jalapeno pepper give this slow cooker recipe its Creole zing, along with seasoning and other veggies. This is an easy and tasty...
This is a yummy recipe that any cheese or casserole lover will adore! It's super easy to make, as most casseroles are. It's also a fun recipe to play around...
This recipe is an unusual dish that all the family loves and is requested by all from the smallest to the adults. Don't let the 'lentil' ingredient scare...
This is my husband's favorite cube steak, passed down from his grandma. Yummy steak with great gravy as long as you're patient while making the gravy....
These are served in every restaurant in the Middle East. You can easily make them at home and make them taste just as good, if not better. Don't substitute...
Pork is an excellent choice for a holiday family dinner. Stuffed with orange- and ginger-accented dried fruit, the glazed roast slices beautifully and...
Actually, this is an excellent marinade for any steak. The marinade mainly consists of Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar. The sugar makes the steaks...
Want to cook whole chicken quicker and more evenly? Remove the backbone with a knife or kitchen scissors to flatten the chicken. The breast meat doesn't...
The beauty of this recipe is it's fast to make, requires minimal ingredients, and results in a juicy chicken breast. The bonus: if you pop some veggies...
Poached chicken has much more flavor and a better taste than boiled chicken. If you want to eat more lean protein, give this recipe a try. I like to eat...
Pan-seared duck breast with blueberry sauce atop a bed of bok choy, wild mushrooms, pancetta, and shallots. Served with a side of roasted potatoes seasoned...
I work in a corporate office, and our cafe has a 'wrap station' every Friday and these are a huge hit with everyone. I got hooked so I watched closely...
Chicken breasts baked with cinnamon and other seasonings. This is a recipe that I created while working at a flight kitchen. We had cinnamon in the spice...
This was my Scottish grandmother's recipe for partridge, also commonly known as ruffed grouse. Partridge breasts are seared in bacon grease, then roasted...
This sweet and spicy tenderloin recipe is super easy! Make it as spicy as you like by adding more or different types of chili peppers. This version is...
Even people that don't like blue cheese love this wonderful hot dip. It can be served with vegetables, but I find that people like it best with French...
A creamy chicken, wild rice, and mushroom casserole. This elegant, tasty recipe may be made in advance and baked right before company arrives! It's a real...
This is an awesome Cajun recipe. Deep-frying makes the turkey crispy on the outside and super juicy on the inside (even the white meat). It also leaves...
Once you try making a whole chicken in the slow cooker, you'll never want to roast it the old way again. In the slow cooker you'll get the moistest, most...
Chicken breasts slow cooked with a creamy white wine and mushroom mixture. This quick and easy recipe calls for just five main ingredients, yet is tasty...
Don't let their small size fool you, these chops are packed with maximum flavor! Try and find loin chops that are at least 1-inch thick for best results....
If you are looking for a creamy, cheesy, flavorful recipe - this is it! Comfort food is always welcomed in every home. I think most of you will love this...
Sometimes cooking for one can be a bit of a pain. This is a favorite dish of mine; it's quick, simple, delicious, and a great way to use leftover chicken....
A simple yet festive main dish. If you're not up to the task of roasting a turkey this dish is for you. Serve with Cranberry Chutney. Originally submitted...
Classic stuffed quahog recipes used stale bread and lots of seasoning. But my grandmother would have appreciated the pre-seasoned stuffing adaptation in...
This is a third generation recipe and one that is about as simple as it gets. French-style green beans are topped with Chicken breasts, a creamy soup mixture,...